Colorado Stoneworks Landscaping

Plant Care Instructions

The success of your landscape depends on the care your plants receive. The main elements for your plants’ success are:


Watering is the most important element for a plant after it is planted. There are really no plants that do not need additional water other than what they receive from nature 90% of most the problems with plant are water related. Either not enough or too much can cause undue stress on a plant. Sandy soil requires more water than clay soil. When watering, saturate the rootball by giving your plant a thorough watering. What is critical is that you saturate the rootball each watering but very how often you saturate the root ball Every plant and soil have different requirements, which is why you cannot say water once a week or twice a week and be assured your plant will receive the correct amount of water. What your plant needs is enough water to grow on without standing in water. In sandy soil you are unlikely to over water your plants. However, with clay soil you can get water and oxygen imbalance, where a plan can drown and suffocate. The only way to know if you are adequately watering your plants is to actually make a soil test by digging down in the soil 6-8” and taking a handful of soil and making a fist. Release your hand; the soil should hold together and feel very moist, If your soil falls apart it is too dry. If it is sour smelling or soggy it is too wet. Adjusting your water will be the answer. When you make this soil sample, try to get some soil off the rootball without disturbing it, which could cause further problems. You can also use a moisture meter. With interface problems you can have a situation where the rootball is of very light mix that dries out quickly, but the back fill is a heavy soil that holds water and could be wet while the rootball is bone dry. The interface problems can also be reversed: you plant a heavy soil rootball in a very sandy soil-the backfill seems dry, but your plant can actually be drowning because it is not drying out enough between watering.

It is very important to pay attention to what your plants are doing. For example, if your plant is wilting, check moisture in the soil; most likely not enough water. If the leaves are yellowing check the moisture in the rootball; could be your plant is standing in water and suffocating.

Initially after planting a plant, you will want to thoroughly soak your plant more often that you will later on. For example: give them heavy soaking daily for a few days to saturate the rootball and surrounding soil. Then after your plant has been in a couple of weeks, water one to two times a week depending on the type of soil you have and weather your plants are in the lawn or in a bare area. After your plants have been in several weeks take a soil test to make sure you are watering correctly or to make any needed changes, Increase your watering for the spring in February. Increase to 1-2 times a week through summer then decrease towards fall. Start slowing down on watering in August and September. Give all of you plants a thorough watering at the end of September and October. After that, water at least once a month through the winter, increasing watering in February.

Watering Guidelines

Successful watering techniques are accomplished by watering deeply and infrequently, to help promote a healthy root system. Plants need oxygen to the root zone as well as water, especially in heavier soil (i.e. clay). It takes 2 to 3 years to establish most plants.

FIRST WEEK: Once a day
– every other day if planted in heavy clay soil

SPRING: March 20 thru June 20: 3 times a week
– 2 times a week if heavy clay soil

SUMMER: June 20 thru Sept. 22: 4 times a week
– 3 times a week if in heavy clay soil

FALL: Sept, 22 thru Dec 21: 3 times a week
(When temps are above 40 degrees and no snow on the ground)
– 2 times a week if in heavy clay soil.

WINTER: Dec 21 thru March 20: 2 times a month
(When temps are above 45 degrees and no snow on the ground)
Water in AM only!

General Rules

Deciduous tree: Apply 10 gallons of water for each inch in diameter of the tree’s truck

Evergreen trees: Apply 5 gallons of water for every 3 feet of tree’s height

For plants purchased in container; that will be planted in the ground:
#1 container = 2 gals. of water
#2 container = 4 gals. of water
#3 container = 6 gals. of water
#5 container = 10 gals. of water

Drip systems: When using a drip system, know what the emitter drip rate is per hour and set your emitter clock accordingly. Most emitter come 1 through 5 gallons option; remember to check your specific products label.


New trees: Use Agriform tablets when planting, can fertilize again the first 12 months.

Established Trees: Can be fertilized during the moths of April – August for best results.

Follow product levels to avoid chemical burning on plants.


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